A level playing field for
Growth Hacking certification
The Master of Growth program to establish a common understanding of the expertise level of Growth Hacking professionals.
Following these requirements, the Master of Growth certification to the general public creating a common language among all professionals.
The Master of Growth certification guidelines
Requirements for the organization issuing the certificate
- The organization must comply with ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons. This guarantees the independence and objectivity of the certification organization and guarantees compliance with GDPR, equal treatment of candidates, etc. The organization’s registered office must be in a member state of the European Union.
- The organization needs to have relevant experience exploiting certification programs and organizing exams professionally. It needs to have a portfolio of at least three different certification programs with more than 100 certified professionals per year.
- The organization needs to contribute to the Growth Hacking community actively.
- The organization needs to ensure that certification exams are available to the public independently of purchased training material.
Requirements for a training organization that offers access to a certification exam
- Training organizations that offer access to the certification exam need to be accredited by the organization responsible for the certification program related to the exam. The certification organization is accountable for the quality assurance of the courses of that organization.
- The training organization must have a quality management system and be ISO 9002 certified or equivalent.
- The organization needs to contribute to the Growth Hacking Community actively.