We are a not-for-profit membership organization. Our members are project management consultancy and training organizations, Design Thinking & Growth Hacking user organizations, and also include the examination and certification institute that created the Master of Growth certification program.
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What does the consortium do?
The Master of Growth Consortium’s goal is to facilitate the implementation of sustainable growth methodology for organisations. So that they can benefit of the modern management methodologies which are created by combining the Design Thinking & Growth Hacking liniar to one and another.
The Master of Growth Consortium has set out three main activity areas to achieve this goal:
1. Formulate industry best practice witing the Deisgn Thinking & Growth Hacking domein so that all organisations can benefit from this.
2. Set a Body of knowledge and certification so the industry knowledge can be shared accordingly.
3. Establish and invest in the Design Thinking & Growth Hacking community
Types of Involved organisations
Accredited Training Organizations
Accredited training organizations are training organizations that pass the accreditation requirements set out by the consortium. They provide courses that align with the latest version of the Body of Knowledge and prepare students to use the methode in real-world projects. their training also prepares learners for the consortium’s certification program.
(Member) user organisations
Members of the Consortium can be consultancy, and training organizations both of course also user organizations, and also include the examination and certification institute that work with the method and would like to get certified according with the consortium’s certification program. Members commit to helping the consortium to achieve its goal, each member in its own way.
Certification Organization
Van Haren Learning Solutions has created a certification program based on the certification guidelines. With this program, Van Haren establishes a common understanding of proven skills for each certification level between all professionals, both the Design Thinking and Growth Hacking programs have exams with the same covered topics, required level of understanding, number of questions, passing score, and exam time. The Certification Council of the Consortium supports and audits this certification program.